We Love Our Team

Skilled nursing isn’t for everyone, but our team is a unique eclectic group of fun-loving folks. We sing and dance in the halls. Praise our Lord openly. Love and kid with one another to make our community of beloved folks’ belly-laugh out loud. We are happy to work for a company that gives us the opportunity to shine. Everyone has their rightful position, but we work together as a team. Sharon (our administrator), Paula (DON), and Jana (ADON) are who we have to thank for our culture change. It’s been neat to watch them take the reins and produce the dynamic team we have today. We have a place to be proud of, a place to call home away from home, We Are River Haven. Much love and appreciation to all who make us a TEAM.
Only a few employees are present in these pictures, but all are here in our hearts and in our thought.