Short Term Therapy Success Story

Mr. John W. admitted to the facility in January 2017 and he has made tremendous progress during his journey here. Mr. W. participates and does an abundance of activities around the building. John is the Riverhaven resident council Vice President and does a great job carrying out his duties. John helps teach bible study classes, has led a water paint course for the residents, led our first resident cooking class and much more. Mr. W. is currently receiving Physical and Occupational therapy where he is working on high level balance activities, medicine management, cooking, phone and computer management. Our therapy department is preparing resident for community integration. The team is discussing discharge plans in hope to get resident back to his home and the community. “It is proven through my own weakness that God is real. I wouldn’t be here without God. I hope that the residents here understand how important therapy is. Don’t give up, stay with it. If you get tired during therapy, take a break. PLEASE do not give up, stay with it!”- John. Mr. W. says that he appreciates the therapy and Riverhaven staff for the care and love that he has received.