Letter from the Administrator
We here at River Haven Wish You and Yours a Happy New Year! We pray that your year will be filled with blessings in abundance and memories filled with love, peace, and prosperity. As we leap into 2020 reflection of the year past should be brief.
We promise to not take this new year for granted and we’ll have a keen mindset to learning from our mistakes, fulfill our goals, uplift our team/residents, grow our census, enhance our lives, and pray for one another.
We encourage you to follow the path not yet taken.
Challenge yourself to be a better person.
Encourage those around you.
Show kindness to others.
Eat healthier daily!
Be present.
& Love!
We believe that when you start the year off with positive thinking only positive vibes will follow. Here’s a cup of cheer to you and yours, Happy New Year!!!!